File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 connectionpin.hContains the interface for the ShapeConnectionPin class
 connector.hContains the interface for the ConnRef class
 connend.hContains the interface for the ConnEnd class
 geomtypes.hContains the interface for various geometry types and classes
 hyperedge.hContains the interface for the HyperedgeRerouter class
 junction.hContains the interface for the JunctionRef class
 libavoid.hStandard libavoid include file which includes all libavoid header files
 obstacle.hContains the interface for the Obstacle class, the superclass for ShapeRef and JunctionRef
 router.hContains the interface for the Router class
 shape.hContains the interface for the ShapeRef class
 viscluster.hContains the interface for the ClusterRef class
 libdialect.hStandard libdialect include file which includes all libdialect functionality