1 /*
2  * vim: ts=4 sw=4 et tw=0 wm=0
3  *
4  * libcola - A library providing force-directed network layout using the
5  * stress-majorization method subject to separation constraints.
6  *
7  * Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Monash University
8  *
9  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
11  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
12  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13  * See the file LICENSE.LGPL distributed with the library.
14  *
15  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  *
19  * Author(s): Tim Dwyer
20  * Michael Wybrow
21 */
23 #ifndef COLA_H
24 #define COLA_H
26 #include <utility>
27 #include <iterator>
28 #include <vector>
29 #include <valarray>
30 #include <algorithm>
31 #include <cmath>
32 #include <iostream>
34 #include "libcola/gradient_projection.h"
35 #include "libcola/cluster.h"
36 #include "libcola/straightener.h"
37 #include "libcola/exceptions.h"
38 #include "libcola/pseudorandom.h"
40 namespace vpsc { class Rectangle; }
41 namespace topology {
42  class ColaTopologyAddon;
43 }
44 namespace dialect {
45  class Graph;
46 }
56 namespace cola {
58 class NonOverlapConstraints;
59 class NonOverlapConstraintExemptions;
62 typedef std::vector<unsigned> NodeIndexes;
65 typedef std::vector<NodeIndexes> ListOfNodeIndexes;
68 typedef std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> Edge;
72 typedef std::vector<double> EdgeLengths;
73 #define StandardEdgeLengths EdgeLengths()
78 class Lock {
79 public:
80  Lock() {}
88  Lock(unsigned id, double X, double Y) : id(id), x(X), y(Y) {
89  }
90  unsigned getID() const {
91  return id;
92  }
93  double pos(vpsc::Dim dim) const {
94  return dim==vpsc::HORIZONTAL?x:y;
95  }
96 private:
97  unsigned id;
98  double x;
99  double y;
100 };
102 typedef std::vector<cola::Lock> Locks;
107 class Resize {
108 public:
109  Resize() {}
122  Resize(unsigned id, double x, double y, double w, double h)
123  : id(id), target(x,x+w,y,y+h) {}
124  unsigned getID() const {
125  return id;
126  }
127  const vpsc::Rectangle* getTarget() const {
128  return &target;
129  }
130 private:
131  unsigned id;
132  vpsc::Rectangle target;
133 };
135 typedef std::vector<cola::Resize> Resizes;
137 /*
138  * Setting a desired position for a node adds a term to the goal function
139  * drawing the node towards that desired position
140  */
141 struct DesiredPosition {
142  unsigned id;
143  double x;
144  double y;
145  double weight;
146 };
147 typedef std::vector<cola::DesiredPosition> DesiredPositions;
149 /*
150  * desired positions which should override those computed by applying forces
151  * are passed in for a set of nodes. The first entry is the Node->id, the
152  * second is the desired position.
153  */
154 typedef std::pair<unsigned,double> DesiredPositionInDim;
155 typedef std::vector<DesiredPositionInDim> DesiredPositionsInDim;
169 public:
180  Locks& locks=__locksNotUsed,
181  Resizes& resizes=__resizesNotUsed)
182  : locks(locks)
183  , resizes(resizes)
184  , changed(true) {}
185  PreIteration(Resizes& resizes)
186  : locks(__locksNotUsed)
187  , resizes(resizes)
188  , changed(true) {}
190 // To prevent C++ objects from being destroyed in garbage collected languages
191 // when the libraries are called from SWIG, we hide the declarations of the
192 // destructors and prevent generation of default destructors.
193 #ifndef SWIG
194  virtual ~PreIteration() {}
195 #endif
196  virtual bool operator()() { return true; }
197  Locks& locks;
198  Resizes& resizes;
199  bool changed;
200 private:
201  static Locks __locksNotUsed;
202  static Resizes __resizesNotUsed;
203 };
217 public:
218  double old_stress;
219  TestConvergence(const double tol = 1e-4, const unsigned maxiterations = 100)
220  : tolerance(tol),
221  maxiterations(maxiterations)
222  { reset(); }
223  virtual ~TestConvergence() {}
225 public:
226  virtual bool operator()(const double new_stress, std::valarray<double> & X, std::valarray<double> & Y)
227  {
231  iterations++;
232  //std::cout<<"iteration="<<iterations<<", old_stress="<<old_stress<<", new_stress="<<new_stress<<std::endl;
233  if (old_stress == DBL_MAX) {
234  old_stress = new_stress;
235  return iterations >= maxiterations;
236  }
237  // converged if relative decrease in stress falls below threshold
238  // or if stress increases (shouldn't happen for straight majorization)
239  bool converged =
240  (old_stress - new_stress) / (new_stress + 1e-10) < tolerance
241  || iterations > maxiterations;
242  old_stress = new_stress;
243  return converged;
244  }
245  void reset() {
246  old_stress = DBL_MAX;
247  iterations = 0;
248  }
249  const double tolerance;
250  const unsigned maxiterations;
251  unsigned iterations;
252 };
271 public:
293  vpsc::Rectangles& rs,
294  std::vector<Edge> const & es,
295  RootCluster* clusterHierarchy,
296  const double idealLength,
297  EdgeLengths eLengths = StandardEdgeLengths,
298  TestConvergence *doneTest = nullptr,
299  PreIteration* preIteration=nullptr,
300  bool useNeighbourStress = false);
307  constrainedLayout = true;
308  this->ccs=ccs;
309  }
311  void setConstraintsVector(cola::CompoundConstraints& ccs) {
312  constrainedLayout = true;
314  for (size_t i = 0; i < ccs.size(); ++i) {
315  ccsp->push_back(;
316  }
317  this->ccs=ccsp;
318  }
336  UnsatisfiableConstraintInfos *unsatisfiableX,
337  UnsatisfiableConstraintInfos *unsatisfiableY) {
338  this->unsatisfiableX = unsatisfiableX;
339  this->unsatisfiableY = unsatisfiableY;
340  }
345  void setStickyNodes(const double stickyWeight,
346  std::valarray<double> const & startX,
347  std::valarray<double> const & startY);
352  void setScaling(bool scaling) {
353  this->scaling=scaling;
354  }
359  void setExternalSolver(bool externalSolver) {
360  this->externalSolver=externalSolver;
361  }
368  void setAvoidOverlaps(bool horizontal = false) {
369  constrainedLayout = true;
370  this->avoidOverlaps = horizontal ? Horizontal : Both;
371  }
376  constrainedLayout = true;
377  nonOverlappingClusters = true;
378  }
385  void setStraightenEdges(std::vector<straightener::Edge*>* straightenEdges,
386  double bendWeight = 0.01, double potBendWeight = 0.1,
387  bool xSkipping = true) {
388  for(std::vector<straightener::Edge*>::const_iterator e=straightenEdges->begin();
389  e!=straightenEdges->end();e++) {
390  (*e)->rerouteAround(boundingBoxes);
391  }
392  constrainedLayout = true;
393  this->xSkipping = xSkipping;
394  this->straightenEdges = straightenEdges;
395  this->bendWeight = bendWeight;
396  this->potBendWeight = potBendWeight;
397  }
402  for(unsigned i=0;i<n;i++) {
403  boundingBoxes[i]->moveCentre(X[i],Y[i]);
404  }
405  }
408  if (using_default_done)
409  {
410  delete done;
411  }
413  if(constrainedLayout) {
414  delete gpX;
415  delete gpY;
416  }
417  }
427  void run(bool x=true, bool y=true);
439  void runOnce(bool x=true, bool y=true);
440  void straighten(std::vector<straightener::Edge*>&, vpsc::Dim);
441  void setConstrainedLayout(bool c) {
442  constrainedLayout=c;
443  }
444  double computeStress();
445 private:
446  double euclidean_distance(unsigned i, unsigned j) {
447  return sqrt(
448  (X[i] - X[j]) * (X[i] - X[j]) +
449  (Y[i] - Y[j]) * (Y[i] - Y[j]));
450  }
451  double compute_stress(std::valarray<double> const & Dij);
452  void majorize(std::valarray<double> const & Dij,GradientProjection* gp, std::valarray<double>& coords, std::valarray<double> const & startCoords);
453  void newton(std::valarray<double> const & Dij,GradientProjection* gp, std::valarray<double>& coords, std::valarray<double> const & startCoords);
454  unsigned n; //< number of nodes
455  //std::valarray<double> degrees;
456  std::valarray<double> lap2; //< graph laplacian
457  std::valarray<double> Q; //< quadratic terms matrix used in computations
458  std::valarray<double> Dij; //< all pairs shortest path distances
459  double tol; //< convergence tolerance
460  TestConvergence *done; //< functor used to determine if layout is finished
461  bool using_default_done; // Whether we allocated a default TestConvergence object.
462  PreIteration* preIteration; //< client can use this to create locks on nodes
463  vpsc::Rectangles boundingBoxes; //< node bounding boxes
464  /*
465  * stickyNodes controls whether nodes are attracted to their starting
466  * positions (at time of ConstrainedMajorizationLayout instantiation)
467  * stored in startX, startY
468  */
469  std::valarray<double> X, Y;
470  bool stickyNodes;
471  double stickyWeight;
472  std::valarray<double> startX;
473  std::valarray<double> startY;
474  double edge_length;
475  bool constrainedLayout;
476  bool nonOverlappingClusters;
477  /*
478  * A cluster is a set of nodes that are somehow semantically grouped
479  * and should therefore be kept together a bit more tightly than, and
480  * preferably without overlapping, the rest of the graph.
481  *
482  * We achieve this by augmenting the L matrix with stronger attractive
483  * forces between all members of a cluster (other than the root)
484  * and by maintaining a (preferably convex) hull around those
485  * constituents which, using constraints and dummy variables, is
486  * prevented from overlapping other parts of the graph.
487  *
488  * Clusters are defined over the graph in a hierarchy starting with
489  * a single root cluster.
490  *
491  * Need to:
492  * - augment Lap matrix with intra cluster forces
493  * - compute convex hull of each cluster
494  * - from convex hull generate "StraightenEdges"
495  */
496  RootCluster *clusterHierarchy;
497  GradientProjection *gpX, *gpY;
499  UnsatisfiableConstraintInfos *unsatisfiableX, *unsatisfiableY;
500  NonOverlapConstraintsMode avoidOverlaps;
501  std::vector<straightener::Edge*>* straightenEdges;
503  double bendWeight, potBendWeight;
504  /*
505  * determines whether we should leave some overlaps to be resolved
506  * vertically when generating straightening constraints in the x-dim
507  */
508  bool xSkipping;
509  /*
510  * when using the gradient projection optimisation method, the following
511  * controls whether the problem should be preconditioned by affine scaling
512  */
513  bool scaling;
514  /*
515  * if the Mosek quadratic programming environment is available it may be
516  * used to solve each iteration of stress majorization... slow but useful
517  * for testing
518  */
519  bool externalSolver;
520  bool majorization;
521 };
525 class ConstrainedFDLayout;
532 {
533  public:
535  {
536  }
538  virtual ~TopologyAddonInterface()
539  {
540  }
542  virtual TopologyAddonInterface *clone(void) const
543  {
544  return new TopologyAddonInterface(*this);
545  }
547  virtual void freeAssociatedObjects(void)
548  {
549  }
551  virtual void handleResizes(const Resizes& resizeList, unsigned n,
552  std::valarray<double>& X, std::valarray<double>& Y,
554  vpsc::Rectangles& boundingBoxes,
555  cola::RootCluster* clusterHierarchy)
556  {
557  COLA_UNUSED(resizeList);
558  COLA_UNUSED(n);
561  COLA_UNUSED(ccs);
562  COLA_UNUSED(boundingBoxes);
563  COLA_UNUSED(clusterHierarchy);
564  }
565  virtual void computePathLengths(unsigned short** G)
566  {
568  }
569  virtual double computeStress(void) const
570  {
571  return 0;
572  }
573  virtual bool useTopologySolver(void) const
574  {
575  return false;
576  }
577  virtual void makeFeasible(bool generateNonOverlapConstraints,
578  vpsc::Rectangles& boundingBoxes,
579  cola::RootCluster* clusterHierarchy)
580  {
581  COLA_UNUSED(generateNonOverlapConstraints);
582  COLA_UNUSED(boundingBoxes);
583  COLA_UNUSED(clusterHierarchy);
584  }
585  virtual void moveTo(const vpsc::Dim dim, vpsc::Variables& vs,
586  vpsc::Constraints& cs, std::valarray<double> &coords,
587  cola::RootCluster* clusterHierarchy)
588  {
589  COLA_UNUSED(dim);
590  COLA_UNUSED(vs);
591  COLA_UNUSED(cs);
592  COLA_UNUSED(coords);
593  COLA_UNUSED(clusterHierarchy);
594  }
595  virtual double applyForcesAndConstraints(ConstrainedFDLayout *layout,
596  const vpsc::Dim dim, std::valarray<double>& g,
598  std::valarray<double> &coords,
599  DesiredPositionsInDim& des, double oldStress)
600  {
601  COLA_UNUSED(layout);
602  COLA_UNUSED(dim);
603  COLA_UNUSED(g);
604  COLA_UNUSED(vs);
605  COLA_UNUSED(cs);
606  COLA_UNUSED(coords);
607  COLA_UNUSED(des);
608  COLA_UNUSED(oldStress);
609  return 0;
610  }
611 };
623 public:
653  const vpsc::Rectangles& rs,
654  const std::vector<cola::Edge>& es,
655  const double idealLength,
656  const EdgeLengths& eLengths = StandardEdgeLengths,
657  TestConvergence* doneTest = nullptr,
658  PreIteration* preIteration = nullptr);
670  void run(bool x=true, bool y=true);
683  void runOnce(bool x=true, bool y=true);
690  void setConstraints(const cola::CompoundConstraints& ccs);
707  void setAvoidNodeOverlaps(bool avoidOverlaps,
708  ListOfNodeIndexes listOfNodeGroups =
723  TopologyAddonInterface *getTopology(void);
725  void setDesiredPositions(DesiredPositions *desiredPositions);
734  {
735  clusterHierarchy = hierarchy;
736  }
753  UnsatisfiableConstraintInfos *unsatisfiableX,
754  UnsatisfiableConstraintInfos *unsatisfiableY)
755  {
756  unsatisfiable.resize(2);
757  unsatisfiable[0]=unsatisfiableX;
758  unsatisfiable[1]=unsatisfiableY;
759  }
780  void makeFeasible(double xBorder=1, double yBorder=1);
795  void freeAssociatedObjects(void);
807  void outputInstanceToSVG(std::string filename = std::string());
820  void setUseNeighbourStress(bool useNeighbourStress);
836  std::vector<double> readLinearD(void);
857  std::vector<unsigned> readLinearG(void);
859  double computeStress() const;
861 private:
862  unsigned n; // number of nodes
863  std::valarray<double> X, Y;
864  vpsc::Rectangles boundingBoxes;
865  double applyForcesAndConstraints(const vpsc::Dim dim,const double oldStress);
866  double computeStepSize(const SparseMatrix& H, const std::valarray<double>& g,
867  const std::valarray<double>& d) const;
868  void computeDescentVectorOnBothAxes(const bool xaxis, const bool yaxis,
869  double stress, std::valarray<double>& x0, std::valarray<double>& x1);
870  void moveTo(const vpsc::Dim dim, std::valarray<double>& target);
871  double applyDescentVector(
872  const std::valarray<double>& d,
873  const std::valarray<double>& oldCoords,
874  std::valarray<double> &coords,
875  const double oldStress,
876  double stepsize
877  /*,topology::TopologyConstraints *s=nullptr*/);
878  void computePathLengths(
879  const std::vector<Edge>& es, std::valarray<double> eLengths);
880  void generateNonOverlapAndClusterCompoundConstraints(
881  vpsc::Variables (&vs)[2]);
882  void handleResizes(const Resizes&);
883  void setPosition(std::valarray<double>& pos);
884  void moveBoundingBoxes();
885  bool noForces(double, double, unsigned) const;
886  void computeForces(const vpsc::Dim dim, SparseMap &H,
887  std::valarray<double> &g);
888  void recGenerateClusterVariablesAndConstraints(
889  vpsc::Variables (&vars)[2], unsigned int& priority,
890  cola::NonOverlapConstraints *noc, Cluster *cluster,
891  cola::CompoundConstraints& idleConstraints);
892  std::vector<double> offsetDir(double minD);
894  void computeNeighbours(std::vector<Edge> es);
895  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned> > neighbours;
896  std::vector<std::vector<double> > neighbourLengths;
897  TestConvergence *done;
898  bool using_default_done; // Whether we allocated a default TestConvergence object.
899  PreIteration* preIteration;
901  double** D;
902  unsigned short** G;
903  double minD;
904  PseudoRandom random;
906  TopologyAddonInterface *topologyAddon;
907  std::vector<UnsatisfiableConstraintInfos*> unsatisfiable;
908  bool rungekutta;
909  DesiredPositions *desiredPositions;
910  cola::CompoundConstraints extraConstraints;
912  RootCluster *clusterHierarchy;
913  double rectClusterBuffer;
914  double m_idealEdgeLength;
915  bool m_generateNonOverlapConstraints;
916  bool m_useNeighbourStress;
917  const std::valarray<double> m_edge_lengths;
919  NonOverlapConstraintExemptions *m_nonoverlap_exemptions;
921  friend class topology::ColaTopologyAddon;
922  friend class dialect::Graph;
923 };
925 struct ProjectionResult {
926  int errorLevel;
927  std::string unsatinfo;
928 };
948  bool preventOverlaps, int accept=0, unsigned debugLevel=0);
965 ProjectionResult solve(vpsc::Variables &vs, vpsc::Constraints &cs, vpsc::Rectangles &rs,
966  unsigned debugLevel=0);
969 ConstrainedMajorizationLayout* simpleCMLFactory(
970  vpsc::Rectangles& rs,
971  std::vector<Edge> const & es,
972  RootCluster* clusterHierarchy,
973  const double idealLength,
974  bool useNeighbourStress = false
975  );
977 /*
978  * find shortest path lengths from node s to all other nodes.
979  * @param s starting node
980  * @param n total number of nodes
981  * @param d n vector of path lengths
982  * @param es edge pairs
983  * @param eLengths edge weights
984  */
985 void dijkstra(const unsigned s, const unsigned n, double* d,
986  const std::vector<cola::Edge>& es,
987  const std::valarray<double> & eLengths);
989 #if 0
990 void removeClusterOverlapFast(RootCluster& clusterHierarchy, vpsc::Rectangles& rs, Locks& locks);
991 #endif
993 void setupVarsAndConstraints(unsigned n, const CompoundConstraints& ccs,
994  const vpsc::Dim dim, vpsc::Rectangles& boundingBoxes,
995  RootCluster *clusterHierarchy,
997  std::valarray<double> &coords);
998 void setVariableDesiredPositions(vpsc::Variables& vs, vpsc::Constraints& cs,
999  const DesiredPositionsInDim& des, std::valarray<double>& coords);
1001 }
1002 #endif // COLA_H
void run(bool x=true, bool y=true)
Implements the main layout loop, taking descent steps until stress is no-longer significantly reduced...
Definition: cola.cpp:320
The Graph class represents graphs consisting of nodes and edges.
Definition: graphs.h:180
std::vector< NodeIndexes > ListOfNodeIndexes
A vector of NodeIndexes.
Definition: cola.h:65
void setStraightenEdges(std::vector< straightener::Edge *> *straightenEdges, double bendWeight=0.01, double potBendWeight=0.1, bool xSkipping=true)
Definition: cola.h:385
libtopology: Extensions for topology preservation for libcola and libavoid libraries.
Definition: shape.h:41
void setConstraints(const cola::CompoundConstraints &ccs)
Specify a set of compound constraints to apply to the layout.
Definition: colafd.cpp:189
void outputInstanceToSVG(std::string filename=std::string())
Generates an SVG file containing debug output and code that can be used to regenerate the instance...
Definition: colafd.cpp:1369
A Resize specifies a new required bounding box for a node.
Definition: cola.h:107
ProjectionResult solve(vpsc::Variables &vs, vpsc::Constraints &cs, vpsc::Rectangles &rs, unsigned debugLevel=0)
Constructs a solver and attempts to solve the passed constraints on the passed vars.
Implements the Constrained Majorization graph layout algorithm (deprecated).
Definition: cola.h:270
void setUseNeighbourStress(bool useNeighbourStress)
Specifies whether neighbour stress should be used.
Definition: colafd.cpp:201
A default functor that is called after each iteration of the layout algorithm.
Definition: cola.h:216
void runOnce(bool x=true, bool y=true)
Same as run(), but only applies one iteration.
Definition: colafd.cpp:386
void runOnce(bool x=true, bool y=true)
Same as run(), but only applies one iteration.
Definition: cola.cpp:398
libdialect: A library for computing human-like orthogonal network (DiAlEcT) layouts.
Definition: cola.h:44
std::vector< cola::Lock > Locks
A vector of Lock objects.
Definition: cola.h:102
std::vector< unsigned > NodeIndexes
A vector of node Indexes.
Definition: cola.h:59
This class can be passed to libcola to replace some functionality to provide topology preserving layo...
Definition: cola_topology_addon.h:44
std::pair< unsigned, unsigned > Edge
Edges are simply a pair of indices to entries in the Node vector.
Definition: cola.h:68
libvpsc: Variable Placement with Separation Constraints quadratic program solver library.
Definition: assertions.h:61
A Lock specifies a required position for a node.
Definition: cola.h:78
void setUnsatisfiableConstraintInfo(UnsatisfiableConstraintInfos *unsatisfiableX, UnsatisfiableConstraintInfos *unsatisfiableY)
Register to receive information about unsatisfiable constraints.
Definition: cola.h:752
void setExternalSolver(bool externalSolver)
Definition: cola.h:359
std::vector< Variable * > Variables
A vector of pointers to Variable objects.
Definition: constraint.h:38
Interface for writing COLA addons to handle topology preserving layout.
Definition: cola.h:531
std::vector< double > EdgeLengths
Definition: cola.h:72
std::vector< double > readLinearD(void)
Retrieve a copy of the "D matrix" computed by the computePathLengths method, linearised as a vector...
Definition: colafd.cpp:147
std::vector< Constraint * > Constraints
A vector of pointers to Constraint objects.
Definition: constraint.h:125
void setStickyNodes(const double stickyWeight, std::valarray< double > const &startX, std::valarray< double > const &startY)
Definition: cola.cpp:158
PreIteration(Locks &locks=__locksNotUsed, Resizes &resizes=__resizesNotUsed)
Constructs a PreIteration object that handles locking and resizing of nodes.
Definition: cola.h:179
Lock(unsigned id, double X, double Y)
Constructs a Lock object for a given node and position.
Definition: cola.h:88
std::vector< Rectangle * > Rectangles
A vector of pointers to Rectangle objects.
Definition: rectangle.h:246
void setAvoidOverlaps(bool horizontal=false)
Definition: cola.h:368
A default functor that is called before each iteration in the main loop of the ConstrainedFDLayout::r...
Definition: cola.h:168
std::vector< cola::Resize > Resizes
A vector of Resize objects.
Definition: cola.h:135
Holds the cluster hierarchy specification for a diagram.
Definition: cluster.h:172
Resize(unsigned id, double x, double y, double w, double h)
Constructs a Resize object for a given node and it&#39;s new bounding box.
Definition: cola.h:122
std::vector< unsigned > readLinearG(void)
Retrieve a copy of the "G matrix" computed by the computePathLengths method, linearised as a vector...
Definition: colafd.cpp:159
void freeAssociatedObjects(void)
A convenience method that can be called from Java to free the memory of nodes (Rectangles), CompoundConstraints, etc.
Definition: colafd.cpp:916
void setNonOverlappingClusters()
Definition: cola.h:375
A rectangle represents a fixed-size shape in the diagram that may be moved to prevent overlaps and sa...
Definition: rectangle.h:78
ConstrainedMajorizationLayout(vpsc::Rectangles &rs, std::vector< Edge > const &es, RootCluster *clusterHierarchy, const double idealLength, EdgeLengths eLengths=StandardEdgeLengths, TestConvergence *doneTest=nullptr, PreIteration *preIteration=nullptr, bool useNeighbourStress=false)
Constructs a constrained majorization layout instance.
Definition: cola.cpp:40
A cluster defines a hierarchical partitioning over the nodes which should be kept disjoint by the lay...
Definition: cluster.h:50
void run(bool x=true, bool y=true)
Implements the main layout loop, taking descent steps until stress is no-longer significantly reduced...
Definition: colafd.cpp:316
void setTopology(TopologyAddonInterface *topology)
Set an addon for doing topology preserving layout.
Definition: colafd.cpp:944
void moveBoundingBoxes()
Definition: cola.h:401
libcola: Force-directed network layout subject to separation constraints library. ...
Definition: box.cpp:25
The x-dimension (0).
Definition: rectangle.h:43
Indicates the x- or y-dimension.
Definition: rectangle.h:41
ProjectionResult projectOntoCCs(vpsc::Dim dim, vpsc::Rectangles &rs, cola::CompoundConstraints ccs, bool preventOverlaps, int accept=0, unsigned debugLevel=0)
Attempt to do a projection onto a vector of cola CompoundConstraints.
Implements a constrained force-directed layout algorithm.
Definition: cola.h:622
std::vector< UnsatisfiableConstraintInfo * > UnsatisfiableConstraintInfos
A vector of pointers to UnsatisfiableConstraintInfo objects.
Definition: compound_constraints.h:826
ConstrainedFDLayout(const vpsc::Rectangles &rs, const std::vector< cola::Edge > &es, const double idealLength, const EdgeLengths &eLengths=StandardEdgeLengths, TestConvergence *doneTest=nullptr, PreIteration *preIteration=nullptr)
Constructs a constrained force-directed layout instance.
Definition: colafd.cpp:96
void setClusterHierarchy(RootCluster *hierarchy)
Specifies an optional hierarchy for clustering nodes.
Definition: cola.h:733
void setScaling(bool scaling)
Definition: cola.h:352
std::vector< CompoundConstraint * > CompoundConstraints
A vector of pointers to CompoundConstraint objects.
Definition: compound_constraints.h:259
void setConstraints(cola::CompoundConstraints *ccs)
Specify a set of compound constraints to apply to the layout.
Definition: cola.h:306
void setAvoidNodeOverlaps(bool avoidOverlaps, ListOfNodeIndexes listOfNodeGroups=ListOfNodeIndexes())
Specifies whether non-overlap constraints should be automatically generated between all nodes...
Definition: colafd.cpp:194
void makeFeasible(double xBorder=1, double yBorder=1)
Finds a feasible starting position for nodes that satisfies the given constraints.
Definition: colafd.cpp:604
void setUnsatisfiableConstraintInfo(UnsatisfiableConstraintInfos *unsatisfiableX, UnsatisfiableConstraintInfos *unsatisfiableY)
Register to receive information about unsatisfiable constraints.
Definition: cola.h:335